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All Trophies are held for 12 months. They remain the property of Frenchay and Hambrook Horticultural Society & must be returned to the Show Secretary by 30th June of the year following that in which they were won.

THE BANKSIAN MEDAL – Awarded by the R.H.S. to the Exhibitor winning the largest amount of prize money in Classes 3 – 101. Winners from the previous two shoes are not eligible this year.

LADIES CUP – awarded to the lady with the most points in classes 3 – 101 (Please note this cup will be retiring after the 2024 show)

VEGETABLE CUP – most points in classes 3 – 40

FRUIT CUP– most points in classes 50 – 56

LOTTIE RICHARDS CUP– for flowers – most points classes 58 – 101

FRENCHAY CUP FOR ROSES – most points in classes 84 – 86

FLOWER ARRANGEMENT CUP – for the highest points in classes 200 – 206

JOE HICKS CUP – for best exhibit in classes 3–101

POWELL TROPHY– for the best vase of own grown mixed flowers (excluding roses) class 97

DAISY LANGLEY CUP – for best sweet pea exhibit classes 81 – 83

BERT TANN MEMORIAL TROPHY – for the best pot plant display in flower classes 58- 65

CHARLIE RICHARDS CUP– for the best onion exhibit class 3 or 4

BRISTOL FUCHSIA SOCIETY CUP – for the best fuchsia class 62

EDWARD CARPENTER CUP– for the best handicraft exhibit by a person over 70 years class 140

WINTERBOURNE CUP– best handicraft, classes 141 – 154

BEATRICE YOUNG CUP – for the best painting or drawing classes 155-162. Last year’s winner (Jane Atkin 2018) is not eligible

BROMLEY HEATH TOWNS WOMEN’S GUILD PLAQUE – for the best picture of a flower class 170

BRITISH LEGION CUP – for the child with the highest points in classes 171 – 199. Last year’s winner (Olivia Pinder 2018) are not eligible.

JOAN BEASANT CUP – for the best frieze in class 212

FRENCHAY HOSPITAL CUP– for the best frieze in class 213


KEY STAGE 1 and 2 Class 194 
16 YEARS AND UNDER Class 195

KEY STAGE 2 Class 196

KEY STAGE 1 Class 197

SOCIETY SHIELD – for the best collective exhibit by a WI, TWG or other organisation class 214

ALLOTMENT CHALLENGE CUP – awarded to the Allotment Association whose member(s) collectively gain the most points in classes 3 – 99. (see show rule 11)

DIPLOMAS IN HORTICULTURE (classes 3 -101) and

CERTIFICATES OF MERIT IN FLORAL ART (classes 200 – 206) are presented by the Worshipful Company of Gardeners.

The following awards are to members of FHHS only:- (Last two year’s winners are not eligible)

PRESIDENT’S VASE – the member gaining the most points in all classes.

GROWER’S TROPHY – the member with the most points in classes 3 – 101.